Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
At the Uniting Church on December 4 2017 at 10.15am.

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Margot Claringbold, John Cullity, David Brawn, Laurie Watson, Garry Broadbridge, Gail Paton, John Underwood and James Robinson
Apologies: Mary Beare, Marilyn Kellett

Minutes of the Meeting held 13 November: Approved; no actions arising.

Berry District Park
There have been some issues with changes made to the agreed design for the Park
Action: James has followed up with Liliana at Council and the project now appears to be broadly back on track.
Action: Stuart to check with RMS on when the FH site on North Street will be handed over. 

Town Centre/ Infrastructure Focus Areas

Following a site inspection of the toilet facility at Apex Park, Council has concluded that the necessary changes to the building would be impractical and too expensive, and is recommending building a new amenity. The Forum’s feedback has been requested and funds of $150,000 are currently allocated for 2018/19.
Action: We will need to ask our councilors to lobby for the necessary funds in the Operational Plan for 2018/19

If Council agrees to remove the ‘No Right Turn’ sign at Prince Alfred St we will need to have the ramp on the western side checked for steepness.

Support for funding of a new footpath along the western side of Alexandra St, between Albert St and North St is being sought.
Action: Stuart to check with Tom Dimic at Council, following Ben Stewart’s comment that it should be funded by the District Park development.

Council is exhibiting a draft amendment to Chapter G18 in the DCP covering Streetscape Design for Town & Village Centres.
Action: John U and John C to draft input to Council before 12 December.

Part of the timber bridge in Edward St has deteriorated and is in need of repair, before an accident is caused.
Action: Stuart to raise with Council.

Discussions will continue on Focus Area priorities.
Action: Each Review Group Coordinator will compile a list of potential projects for prioritization and consideration of funding sources.

Planning & Development
A Section 96 amendment (DS 17/1413) to Stages 8 & 9 of the Huntingdale Park development is causing concern. A public reserve in the north-west corner of the development site has been deleted and the size of the riparian area along the creek line has been reduced.
Action: Stuart to (1) request that the amendment be called up to Council’s Development Committee and (2) ask SET Consultants to invite the developer to present to the Forum.

Berry Trails
John Wells briefed Stuart and James on the output from his meeting with project reps and landowners to agree a communications protocol. He will present at the Forum meeting.

Draft Agenda for 14 December Forum
– Updates (if any) on the Hitchcocks Ln Planning Proposal and Bangalee Motel DA
– Berry Trails – communications protocol (John Wells)
– Windsor Drive – Visual & noise impacts (Margaret Walsh)
– S96 Amendment for Huntingdale Park
– Co-working space for small business (Kate Dezarnaulds)

Next Committee meeting – 22 January, 5 February
Next Forum meetings – 14 December, 15 February