Draft Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Monday 3 June 2024  8.15am at the Uniting Church

Present: Ian Hendry (Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Peter Saul, Robyn Baxendale, Judith Ball, David Brawn, Gail Paton, Laurie Watson
Apologies: Emanuele Rattazzi, Mary Beare, John Jeston and Cassandra Harris
Minutes of Meeting held on 29 April Approved.  Actions arising from Minutes: None

Berry Hotel RA23/1002 major redevelopment

  • Shaw Reynolds require a list of speakers for the conciliation conference on 22 July. Stuart will prepare a deputation to be read out; Judith, and other reps from the neighbours, St Lukes the Medical Centre and shop owners should be contacted.
  • Photos and video of car parking and accommodation impacts to be sent to lawyer. Action: John to manage.

Princess St car park
Notice of Motion drafted based on Judith’s paper. Stuart will make a deputation at the Council meeting this evening.

Council finances
Review by OLG is underway.

Berry DCP
Second survey open until 7 June. A newsletter reminder will be sent.

Characterisation of tourist cabins
Draft NoM prepared for Tonia – Council should conform with the Agritourism provisions by discontinuing the mischaracterisation of farm stay accommodation as ‘tourist cabins’.

David Berry Hospital
Debate held in Parliament 15 May.  Action: Irene Birks to be invited to speak at Forum meeting

Forum Meeting Agenda

  • Council finances – 2024/25 Budget
  • Council elections –arrange a ‘Meet the Candidates’ session in August similar to last election?
  • Hotel DA and car park sale update – outcome of NoM vote.
  • David Berry Hospital update?

General Business

  • Stuart provided feedback from the CCBs Executive meeting
  • Action: Richard Wiseman to be asked to contact Viva Energy re DA for the service station.
  • Andrew Killingsworth may provide a written update for the Forum meeting.

Meeting Closed: 9:40
Next Committee meeting – 24 June
Next Forum meeting – 20 June