Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at the School of Arts on Monday 29th August 2016 at 10.15am.

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Dorothy Hanbridge, Bill Rice, James Robinson, Hania Norman, Marilyn Kellett, John Underwood, John Cullity, Laurie Watson.
Apologies: Margot Claringbold, Mary Beare.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 8th August– Approved

Strategic Plan
The draft Strategic Plan document is on exhibition on the Forum website until mid-September..
The Sub-Committee is preparing for discussions with Council department heads about budgets.
We will be seeking expressions of interest to participate in working groups/sub-committees.

Berry District Park
• The Sub-committee has met twice and invited Fulton Hogan and Art Lidbetter (Berry Sports & Rec) to participate in discussions. FH advised that they will be pulling out of the North St compound by December and will construct a footpath from KV Rd to the existing carpark.
• The Committee agreed that an incremental approach to planning would be appropriate, commencing with designation of locations and areas for the car park, toilets, adventure playground and dog off-leash area.
• Council will be asked to reinstate the funding allocated for detailed design, so that development of the Park can progress and momentum can be maintained.
• Given the lack of any information on the proposed Criterium cycle track, the Committee could not support its inclusion in the Master Plan at this stage. Public safety, restrictions on public use, siting next to the proposed adventure playground and other issues must be investigated before any recommendation can be made.

Meet the Candidates 31 August Forum Meeting
The three candidates for Mayor and each of the four teams for Councillor roles have advised that they will attend.

Council Defence of Mt Hay L&E Court Appeal
Council’s GM has again refused to address any of the five major concerns the Forum had identified.

Other Business
• Town Crier article required by Wednesday 14 Sept. to include report on Candidates Forum, preview of AGM and election of Committee, update on District Park and status of Strategic Plan. Action: Stuart, John U. and James.
• Nominations for the Committee will be requested by 4 October.
• Action: Stuart to ask Council to clarify the JRPP process for the Beach Rd Planning Proposal.
• Action: Stuart to ask Gareth Ward if there has been action on the LEP Loophole discussion with the Minister.
• The Forum meetings for 13 October and 8 December will be held at the School of Arts..

Future meetings
Monday 19 Sept and Thursday 6 October, at 10.15am.

Meeting closed at 12:10