Q. Why are roads not repaired properly in the beginning therefore eliminating the necessity to repair roads again within weeks of repairs being carried out?

Response – Due to the high volume of damaged roads and limited resources, damaged roads are being addressed by utilising temporary repair methods, as it quickly facilitates a high volume of repairs. In conjunction with these temporary repairs, permanent repairs are also being carried out. As the number of critical repairs reduces, the speed at which permanent repairs are carried out will increase.

Temporary repairs = Cold mix being placed in pothole and track rolled in
Permanent repairs = boxing out potholes and filling with compacted hot mix


Q. When will Council properly repair recurring areas breaking up on Beach Rd. Some areas are well beyond patching and carry heavy loads from CB trucks every day.

Response – Inspections of Beach Rd show isolated sections of moderate potholing between Harley Hill and Agars Ln. We recognise these potholes need to be addressed; however, they are currently low priority compared to other impacted roads.


Q. What action is planned to funnel water away from under the railway bridge?

Response – The site has been reinspected, and there is potential merit in cutting an open drain from the sag point under the underpass to the existing trenches to the NE.

A final inspection in wet conditions is required to ensure the existing trenches are functioning. Further site truthing is required to ascertain the depth of the rock mattress and its potential interactions with an open drain.


Q. I have noticed the poor state of various intersections and gutters in respect of loose gravel. Could you ask about getting a road sweeper to come and clean it up?

Response – If further information on the location of these issues can be provided, a street sweeper will be dispatched to carry out the required cleaning.


Q. Is the full length of Bundewallah Road (3 kms) in the queue for road repairs?

Response – Bundewallah is recognised as requiring repairs. A pothole run was recently (Feb 23) carried out to increase the trafficability of the road. In addition, the road approaches to the new bridge were extended to improve the pavement condition locally. We are currently seeking Natural disaster funding to repair this road. If this is unsuccessful other funding streams will be explored for repairs.


Natural Disaster Questions

Site access conditions applying to the work under way are as follows:

  • Where possible roads should maintain one clear lane of access under traffic control at all times.  Where road closures of more than half an hour are required, notification must be given 7 days prior to the closure.
  • Clear road access must be given to residents at the beginning and end of each day.

The contractor is to make all reasonable efforts to maintain one lane access along the road. If a road requires closure, they are to, at a minimum, provide access in the morning and evening and provide 7 days’ notice to residents.

Communications – An important aspect of making this work is our Drop-in sessions held fortnightly with our Contractor and Council Staff, with a detailed one to two week look-ahead program.

These sessions will allow residents to discuss their needs with Council and the Contractor whilst understanding the larger project program.

The sessions will be facilitated by Council Project Manager Dominic Lucas, who has already begun communications with members of the community.

In addition to the drop-in sessions, we will provide consistent updates on our Road Works pages on Council’s website.

At this stage there is no plan to undertake works on weekends.