Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Monday 19 August 2024  8.15am at the Uniting Church

Present: Ian Hendry (Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Peter Saul, Robyn Baxendale, Judith Ball, Gail Paton, John Jeston and Mary Beare,
Apologies: Laurie Watson, Emanuele Rattazzi, David Brawn and Cassandra Harris.

Minutes of Meeting held on 24 June: Approved
Actions arising from Minutes: None

Berry DCP and HCA
We will need to follow up with the new Council. John suggested an education campaign to get the message across regarding the DCP and HCA.

Berry Hotel RA23/1002
Questions about what guidance the solicitors could give us regarding where we should be applying pressure. Do we just resubmit our submissions? If the same Commissioner is appointed, do we use the same people to address the court.

Service Station
There is no indication as to what Peregrine intend to do with the block of land. Richard Wiseman will continue communicating with Viva.

David Berry Hospital
The online ‘Have Your Say’ survey will commence on Monday, September 9. The wording of the survey may indicate what result the Government is seeking.

Mischaracterisation of tourist cabins
Council has advised a paper will go the meeting on 26 October concerning the misuse of the description ‘tourist cabins’ to circumvent planning controls.

Berry Flood Action
John Morgan briefed the Committee on key issues and why he is seeking the Forum’s support.  John wants a Risk Management Plan for Berry but there is no money from Council. It was agreed that David would coordinate the Committee’s support for the Berry Flood Action group. Action: John to draft information for newsletter.

John met with Anthony Colfelt and suggested they meet regularly after our respective Committee meetings. Peter Saul will send photos of the Strategy post-it boards.

Meet the Candidates forum
Peter suggested that we agree a list of questions to put to the candidates regarding the ‘hotspots’ in the Berry Community. Each candidate will have a specific time to respond.

Meeting closed 10:10am.

Next Committee meeting – 23 September
Next Forum meeting – 28 August ‘Meet the Candidates’; AGM 17 October