Draft Minutes for the Berry Forum Meeting
Held 17 October 2024 7.30pm at the Uniting Church Hall

Present: 72 people attended the Forum meeting, including Mayor Patricia White, Deputy Mayor Peter Wilkins and Councillors Matthew Norris and Selena Clancy

Welcome and Introduction: Ian Hendry (Chair)
Minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2024: Approved

Council Finances
Stuart Coughlan explained the severity of the financial challenge facing the new Council, and his involvement with the group of independent local financial professionals.

Q&A with the Mayor
The Mayor stated she intended to promote open communications with residents, and cooperation between staff areas, and between councillors. She also acknowledged the work done by Fiona Phillips and Liza Butler to obtain grants for roadworks in the Shoalhaven.

Berry Flood Action Group
John Morgan reported that on 23 September, members of the Group and the Forum Committee met with Council representatives to discuss the Floodplain Management Program. Key points were:

  • The Broughton Creek Flood Study is to be completed by May 2025. Two further planning/implementation stages will take a couple of years, subject to funding.
  • Council will write to the Minister for Transport requesting ongoing maintenance and clearing of the railway viaduct culverts.

Berry Hotel DA 
Amended plans were notified to the community on 16 October. Judith Ball presented the findings of her forensic review of the amended plans in response to the applicant’s claims significant changes had been made to satisfy the community’s concerns:

  • The modifications are minimal
  • Proposed reductions to the overall bulk and scale will not be discernible
  • Impacts to amenity remain
  • Traffic and noise impacts remain
  • Heritage impacts slightly reduced but impacts to the HCA and streetscape remain
  • Parking remains a problem

To ensure the Court understands the community’s dissatisfaction with the amendments, it is essential that previous objectors submit new submissions.

Portable Defibrillators 
David Arakie, founding Director of the Superheroes Events charity, presented the Forum and Council each with a CellAED portable defibrillator for community use.

The Forum Committee elected for 2024/25 is Ian Hendry (Chair), David Brawn (Vice-Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Laurie Watson (Treasurer), Mary Beare (Minutes Secretary), Gail Paton, Robyn Baxendale, Judith Ball, Peter Saul, Emanuele Rattazzi, John Jeston, John Morgan and Keith Brodie.

The March 2023 meeting decision to hold regular meetings quarterly, and special meetings as required will be ratified by a vote to amend the constitution at a special general meeting on 12 December.

A list of Forum achievements for 2023/24 was presented.

Meeting Closed: 9.10pm.  Next Forum meeting – 12 December 2024