Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Virtual meeting on Monday 15 June 2020 at 8.30am

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, John Underwood, David Brawn, Heather Macdonald, Laurie Watson, Geoff Armstrong, James Robinson
Apologies:  Gary Broadbridge, Gail Paton, John Cullity, Mary Beare

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 25 May 2020: Approved
Actions arising from the Mins – None.

Planning & Development

  • Temporary function centres – the two DAs for properties in Kangaroo Valley are still pending.
  • Gateway refusal of Planning Proposal for 55 Wire Lane – all of the issues raised in the Forum submission were included in the Department’s reasons for refusal. Both Council and the proponent have 42 days in which to lodge an appeal.
  • The tourist accommodation review has been removed from Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program priorities and the Committee’s deputation was not discussed at the Strategy & Assets meeting.
  • The Mananga Homestead DA for tourist cabins has been approved, but the Committee is concerned that the inadequate explanation provided for approving a 300% variation on accommodation density will fail to prevent this approval being used as a precedent for other development applications.
  • There have been three recent DAs to convert existing dwellings to tourist accommodation. The DCP Objectives and Performance Criteria for tourist accommodation are not being adhered to.
  • There have been long delays in progressing Council’s review of heritage buildings in Berry and any action by the DPIE on implementing Local Character Overlays in LEPs.
  • The new Medium Density Code will be implemented on 1 July. We understand that the minimum lot size for dual occupancies listed in Council’s Subdivision Planning Proposal will override the 400sqm minimum lot size in the Code.
  • Forum Committee Submission re Planning Proposal for Review of LEP Subdivision Provisions – our recommendation to rezone large outer lots from R1 to R2 will be recirculated to councillors prior to the relevant Council meeting at which the Proposal will be discussed. 

Infrastructure & Facilities

  • Berry amenities upgrade at Apex Park – Laurie provided an update. On track to finish in July
  • Edward St bridge – Jatish Singh, the new Regional Engineer has advised that he is preparing a concept plan based on the changes we’ve discussed and we should receive it by 3 July.
  • Broughton Creek and Woodhill Mtn Rd bridges – Laurie has emailed Jatish to raise the issues of pedestrian safety.
  • James advised that, at present only two noise abatement structures seem to be under future planning consideration – at Windsor Drive and Huntingdale. The Arbour and Bupa boundaries are at the conceptual stage only.

Shoalhaven Solar Farm – David B reported that the electricity retailer (Flow Power) involved in the Repower project to establish a solar farm in South Nowra has DA approval from Council to use the land. 

Council Matters
Rates rebate of $300 – Council communication link to be included in newsletter.

Other Business – None

Next Committee meeting – 6 July 2020