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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
1104, 2020

510 Beach Road Subdivision Update

This site is located between the Campbells Run and Coomonderry Ridge sub-divisions. Council have advised the application and plans will be placed on Public Exhibition from 15 April to 15 May. Some information is currently available on Councils DA Tracking website under reference RA20/1000. The Devel [...]

1104, 2020

Hitchcocks Ln Subdivision Update

This Planning Proposal received a Gateway Determination in September 2018. Although it is not yet ready for public exhibition, a number of studies have been completed. One of the more contentious impacts is the visual impact of the development and a report has been prepared for Council on providing [...]

1903, 2020

Request for Footpath along Kangaroo Valley Road

Following several requests from residents wanting a footpath along Kangaroo Valley Road, a Forum Sub-Committee was established to consult with residents to determine how the matter could be taken forward with Council. The Sub-Committee prepared a background position paper to support a residents' pet [...]

712, 2019

Forum Agenda 12 December

Forum Meeting - Thursday 12 December  6.45 Christmas 'Drinks & Nibbles' 7.30 Forum Meeting Draft Planning Proposal for 55 Wire Lane Temporary Function Centres update Tourist Accommodation Development Status Infrastructure updates George St Park sculpture Correspondence/ General Business [...]

2011, 2019

Questionnaire on Tourist Accommodation Review

Council is reviewing the Shoalhaven LEP provisions relating to Tourist & Visitor Accommodation and has provided a questionnaire to obtain community feedback. Here is a  set of recommended answers based on the presentations overwhelmingly endorsed at Forum meetings - Q5. Do the existing provision [...]

411, 2019

Council Review of LEP and DCP on 7 April

The Council review of the Shoalhaven LEP and DCP relates to - Tourist & Visitor Accommodation Clause 2.8 Temporary Use of Land The review is driven by Berry Forum proposals aimed at addressing loopholes in the LEP that are open to exploitation for significant financial gain. RMS has identified t [...]

1710, 2019

Forum Submission – 55 Wire Lane

The Forum Committee has considered the content of the presentation made by the proponent at the Forum meeting on 10 October and the response from community members. A very similar planning proposal submitted three years ago for 510 Beach Road was considered by the Joint Regional Planning Panel and i [...]

1210, 2019

Forum Correspondence 15 August to 10 October 2019

Council Notifications Wire Lane Draft Planning Proposal Removal of five pine trees lifting the kerb, gutter and road pavement in Princess St Water Supply Update Notification of multiple amendments to Shoalhaven LEP Other Correspondence Request from Calalla Bay CCB re notification of modified DAs Req [...]

510, 2019

DA for Masonic Retirement Village

The development involves the reconfiguration of the back of house areas and extensions providing for a new front entry and front of house facilities, as well as 10 new bedrooms. The proposal also includes an additional site entry, carparking area, pathways and landscaping. The proposed additions and [...]

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