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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
204, 2019

Community Opposition to ‘Temporary’ Function Centres

The Forum Committee has written to Council in support of around 150 community members who have lodged over 80 submissions objecting to the proposed 'temporary' function centre in Strongs Rd. Serious concerns have been raised by residents on neighbouring properties and by many Berry residents who com [...]

1103, 2019

Tourist Accommodation Planning Legislation Loopholes

Between 2015 and 2017 the Berry community had to endure two very lengthy and painful campaigns objecting to applications for tourist accommodation developments. In each case, Council was taken to the Land & Environment Court by the applicants and it became clear that there were loopholes in the [...]

2002, 2019

‘Temporary’ Function Centres / Closure of Woodhill Mountain Road

'Temporary' Function Centres In October, we let you know that the Committee had supported community members objecting to DA18/2115 - 'Temporary use of land for the purpose of a function centre – weddings and social events'. Their objections were based on the adverse impacts they had experienced whil [...]

2012, 2018

Huntingdale Update – December 2018

Following the response from the community, the developer Pindan has written to Council recommending that the proposed public reserve located in the north western corner of the site be retained and a 10m wide restriction on the use of land be placed along the western boundary of Lots 907 & 908 to [...]

1212, 2018

CCB Executive Meeting Notes

Every six months, representatives from CCB committees are invited to meet with council staff and councillors to hear presentations and raise issues. The last meeting was on 15 November and the agenda, minutes and presentations are available at - [...]

1211, 2018

Draft Shoalhaven Growth Management Strategy (GMS)

See Council's Discussion Paper here There are four Growth Options proposed by Council (see details here) Modified GMS Version 1 Northern Centric Growth Centres Consolidate Growth The Forum Committee is very concerned about the proposed major increase in land available for major development in Berry [...]

211, 2018

Recent Submissions to Council

The following submissions have been sent to Council from the Forum Committee - Public Exhibition – Draft Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 2018  Forum Committee Submission -  Submission re Draft Contrbs Plan 2018 Council letter - Draft Contributionss Plan 2018 DA 18/2106 - 117 Queen Street Forum Committ [...]

1710, 2018

October 18 2018 News Update

AGM Held on 11 October In an overwhelming show of support from the community, all eleven Committee members renominating were re-elected and there was also overwhelming support for new nominees Geoff Armstrong and Lynne de Graaf. The 2018/19 Committee is David Carter (Chair), Gail Paton (Vice Chair), [...]

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