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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
1404, 2017

Rockfield Park (14 April)

More than a hundred people, including a number of councillors, attended a Land and Environment Court onsite hearing on Monday, March 20.  The hearing continued at the Court in Sydney on the following Tuesday and Wednesday, but was then adjourned until 26 April. The proposed development consists of a [...]

1602, 2017

Berry Trails Project – Forum Communications History (16 Feb)

Town Crier – (Nov 2015 Pg 5) Sixty-eight people attended the Berry Forum meeting held on 8 October at the School of Arts. A presentation was made to the Forum by Derek Jorgensen, Vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. The project seeks to enhance the attractiveness of Berry as a tourist destinat [...]

3011, 2016

Berry District Park Update (30 Nov)

Berry District Park – Time to have Your Say. Council has agreed to the establishment of the District Park Review Group (DPRG), a joint initiative between Council and the Berry Forum. It will be chaired by James Robinson, who is Vice-Chairman of the Forum, and Vice-Chair Clr. John Wells.   It is [...]

1610, 2016

Berry District Park Update (17 Oct)

The Sub-Committee prepared an excellent submission to Council on the revised Master Plan, which resulted in removal of the proposed Criterium cycle track. Council is establishing a community project reference group, including the Forum, Rotary and the sporting groups. Council has agreed to the Forum [...]

610, 2016

Chairman’s Report 2015/16 (6 Oct )

Formed in June 2015, the Forum is the Community Consultative Body (CCB) representing the views of the Berry region to Shoalhaven City Council. The goal of the Forum is to provide the community with an informed capability to influence the future of the Berry region. Progress Achieved A Committee of 1 [...]

709, 2016

Berry District Park Submission (7 Sept)

Council recently put the amended Master Plan for Berry District Park back on exhibition and sought submissions from the community on the following changes - Addition of a 950 metre Criterium cycling track. Removal of long vehicle parking area on North Street. Provision of more long vehicle parking i [...]

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