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709, 2016

Meet the Candidates Forum (31 Aug)

Over 150 people attended the Special Forum meeting, including twenty members of the Shoalhaven Heads Forum. The aim of the meeting was to assist the community with voting decisions by providing an opportunity to meet the candidates, for both Mayor and Ward 1, and ask them questions. It was a very su [...]

1308, 2016

Meeting with Planning Minister (11 August)

Our Concern The Berry township is surrounded by a beautiful landscape, zoned RU1/RU2 and E2/E3, which is valued by both residents and tourists. However, this environmentally productive setting is threatened by uncontrolled development of tourist accommodation, which can include clusters of residence [...]

806, 2016

LEP Loophole – Threat to Berry (8 June)

The Land & Environment Court has overturned the refusal of the Mt Hay development application by our elected councilors. The decision sets a dangerous precedent in relation to future developments around Berry, due to an LEP planning loophole. Mt Hay Development Proposal Background In 2013 the ap [...]

1705, 2016

It’s the Forum’s 1st Anniversary (17 May)

It’s the First Anniversary of the Berry Forum – our first official public meeting was held on 11 June last year. Over the last 12 months we have made a lot of progress – A Committee of 12 elected members has been meeting every 2-3 weeks and the meetings are productive and enjoyable. Forum public mee [...]

603, 2016

Buy Back Centres (24 Feb)

From: Buy Back centres located at Council’s smaller waste facilities have been closed for the past fortnight. The Buy Back centres are an important part of Council’s waste diversion strategy and the current change in operations provides an opportunity to review [...]

2701, 2016

Council Merger Update (27 Jan)

Notification of public inquiry into the proposal to amalgamate or alter the boundaries of local government areas The examination into the proposal has now commenced and submissions are invited from members of the public. The closing date for submissions is 5pm, Sunday 28 February. Submissions can be [...]

3012, 2015

Future Development in the Shoalhaven Region

Important media releases issued by Gareth Ward, concerning the future development of our region. More Homes for the Illawarra & Shoalhaven 15 Dec Regional Buffer for Gerringong and Gerroa 15 Dec   [...]

2112, 2015

Update 18 December

$500,000 MAJOR BOOST FOR BERRY LANDCARE GROUP Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast, and Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has presented $500,000 funding to the Berry Landcare Group under the New South Wales Government’s NSW Environmental Trust. Mr Ward said that he was extremely plea [...]

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