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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
1810, 2015

Update 18 October

Alexandra Street Park - Working Bee on Friday 16 October . Council delivered an enormous pile of woodchip and five tonnes of topsoil to be spread around the exposed roots of the large trees. Gail Paton sent out a request for help and the community responded. Many hands truly make light work. It was [...]

1209, 2015

Updates 12 September

A new Committee was endorsed by the Forum on 10 September: David Carter (Chair), Noel Marshall (Vice Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Laurie Watson (Treasurer), Mary Beare (Minutes Secretary), Margot Claringbold, Dorothy Hanbridge, Marilyn Kellett, Hania Norman, Bill Rice, James Robinson, John C [...]

1008, 2015

Updates 10 August

Berry District Park - Draft Master Plan on public display until 11 September. Submissions invited. - Link Shoalhaven Equestrian Centre of Excellence - Council has adopted the Master Plan - Link Berry Forum Constitution - the Committee will seek endorsement of the proposed Constitution at the AGM on [...]

908, 2015

Updates 31 July

CCB Status - the Berry Forum is now the official CCB for the Berry region. Alexandra Street Park shrub planting on Sunday 26 July was followed by a BBQ/sausage sizzle.       [...]

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