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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
911, 2022

Agritourism – Papers for DPE briefing at Council

We believe the State Government’s Agritourism initiative has been hijacked by a group of developers who have persuaded the Planning Minister to overturn the legitimate decisions by councils, such as Ballina, Byron and Shoalhaven, to prohibit the new Agritourism land uses in their LEPs. No explanatio [...]

111, 2022

Proposed 24/7 Fast Food Store & Servo

Applicant's response to Council's letter of 7 October requiring additional information in relation to the applicant’s modification application under section 4.55(2) of the EPA Act.   See >> Applicant response 21 October [...]

1210, 2022

Boongaree parking dispute with Council

Subject: A breakdown in trust between Council and the community To: The CEO and All Councillors. Council's approach to dealing with the Berry community's concerns about the Boongaree parking problems is an indication of a broader breakdown in trust. At the Council meeting on 12 September, councillor [...]

210, 2022

Update – Jervis Bay Cruise Ships

Hi  Berry Forum Petition deliveredYou might have seen in the media that we've handed our petition to Shelley Hancock, MP - over 7,500 hard copy signatures!! Shelley will table the petition in Parliament when it next sits in about 2 weeks time. She told us that she did not support the use of Jervis B [...]

708, 2022

Managing the Impacts of Tourist Development – Berry & Kangaroo Valley

Over the last five years, Berry and Kangaroo Valley rural residents have been threatened with significant loss of amenity due to the exploitation of the rural landscape for profit. Their frustration has been compounded by serious uninformed and factually incorrect Council actions (see attachment). T [...]

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