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News Updates2019-09-05T07:46:51+00:00
411, 2021

Candidate Questions

Responses from the candidates to the two questions below will be published in a newsletter prior the meeting on 11 November - 'Complying' development that does not consider retention of heritage character is increasing in Berry - Will you prioritise protection of local character through LEP local ch [...]

1409, 2021

Next Forum Meeting

Due to the current Covid-19 lockdown we cannot proceed with the scheduled Forum meeting and AGM on 14 October. The Committee has therefore decided to combine the AGM with the Council Candidates meeting scheduled for 11 November.  We have invited the Mayoral and Ward 1 candidates to this meeting to s [...]

1409, 2021

Boongaree Skate Park & Pump Track

The skate park and pump track is now out for tender and the concept design document can be viewed here >> Concept Design Skate Park & Pump track. The dog off-leash area will be completed soon. [...]

1007, 2021

Probity Concerns re Mananga ‘Confidential’ Briefing Notes

Sent 29 June 2020 from Forum Committee to CEO and all Councillors.   To: The CEO and Councillors  The Pulman Street HCA residents (Residents) have provided the Forum Committee with a copy of the Briefing Notes document (Briefing Document) obtained through a GIPA Application, that the owners of [...]

1806, 2021

The DA Assessment Process

After analysing all of the submissions sent to Council relating to DA20/2172 Mananga Homestead and identifying significant anomalies,  the Committee has sent the following communication to Council - To: The CEO and All Councillors Following renotification of the DA and prior to the cut-off date of 2 [...]

1206, 2021

Forum Meeting held 10 June

75 people braved the elements and an unheated hall to attend the Forum meeting on Thursday. Attendees included Mayor Amanda Findley, Clr Jo Gash and three candidates for the Ward 1 election. Topics covered included the following - Protecting Berry's Character Two Planning Proposals were discussed th [...]

2005, 2021

Another multi-dwelling proposal for Parker Crescent

The application (DA21/1333) by Hotondo Homes proposes the construction of 3 double-storey, 4-bedroom dwellings forming a multi-dwelling housing development and a 3 lot strata title subdivision of the 1000 sqm lot at 23 Parker Crescent. Another Hotondo application (DA19/1857) for a multi-dwelling dev [...]

2005, 2021

Agritourism Proposal Update

Council has now made a submission to the Department of Planning, which identified several areas of concern, and we were pleased to see the following comments included - It is proposed that ‘Farm events’ (eg wedding functions) can operate as exempt development for 52 event days per year with up to 30 [...]

1405, 2021

Determination Delays

In our previous email dated 2 May, we highlighted the protracted delays being experienced in the assessment of DA20/2172 Mananga Homestead and how this represented a stark example of what Councillors had agreed in January was wrong with the assessment process in terms of dysfunctional outcomes resul [...]

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